Saturday 11 August 2012

Amigos Diver Center

Amigos Dive Center is an amazing little place. Wayne, the owner, has his house there and then an open shed with all manner of dive equipment for rental and sale. Around the corner of the shed there is a massive filling station. We arrived and walked around but there was nobody to be found, so after some hunting we found a phone number and called Wayne to let him know we were there. He emerged out of his house exclaiming that he usually heard a car pulling in but he'd missed us.

He proceeded to show us around the filling station. He has a wall of signatures where people from all over the world have written their names and a message. Right at the bottom we spotted Warren from Bermuda who we'd met in Marianna 5 weeks ago! Then he showed us how to fill our own cylinders from the filling station. The station is open 24/7 and you fill your gas yourself. There are banks of 32%, air, oxygen and premixed trimix. You just hook your cylinders up, measure your start and end gas pressures and fill away ... brilliant. Everything works on the honour system. It fills a person with warmth and happiness to know that this shop has been operating like this for 6 years!

Wayne told us all about how the filling station works, all the different people who've filled their gas there, and how much gas he pumps through his station. The numbers are mind boggling ... his best month in 2011 was 2,944,240 liters and a total of 26,894,500 liters for the year! Hectic.

Amigos Dive Center

Wayne and Kev at the board in Amigos Dive Center

Signature wall (see Warren at the bottom right)

Kev, Wayne and me in front of the Amigos filling station

Kev in front of the 32% banked cylinders

Amigos dive shop

Amigos dive shop

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